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Soooo….you’ve been chatting back and forth with the same prospect for MONTHS.

You’ve covered:


Best pre-schools.

Your hatred of double header baseball games in 98 degree heat.

And how to get your kids to eat green vegetables.

But, you just can’t seem to work up the nerve to bring up your business.

Friend, you are STUCK in relationship building mode.

Relationship building mode is when you talk about everything under the sun for a long period of time without ever getting around to chatting about your products or business.

How do you even get to this place?  

Through fear.

While you are talking about SUV’s, cleaning ladies, and vacations, there’s a second conversation going on in your mind wondering when is the ‘right time’ to bring up your business opportunity or how great your products work.

“‘No’ is not the end of the recruiting process. ‘No’ is only the BEGINNING of the recruiting process for most people.”

First of all, I want to say, you ARE doing the right thing!

Building relationships is key to building a successful business!

And I’m not talking about phony, shallow relationships with an agenda – but REAL relationships with people whom we genuinely want to help and serve. 

However, many people in network marketing struggle with this because:

1. It causes a gray area on WHEN to make the transition from chit chat to business

2. We hide behind the relationship building part of the conversation and procrastinate the selling or presenting. 

For some of us, relationship building comes easy. Talking to friends all day and call it work?? YES! 

However, you’re really not working if you find yourself spending hours each day messaging and ‘relationship building,’ but you can never find the courage to actually bring up your products and business.

You start thinking, ‘What are they going to think of me? I haven’t spoken to them in so long. What if I say the wrong thing?? Do it the wrong way?’ 

You play these different scenarios in your head, and imagine EVERYTHING that can go wrong. 

So, you either…

1. Get stuck in the seemingly never-ending relationship building stage

2. Wrap up your nice little chat with your friend without presenting your business, sign off, and call it a day. 

You spend hours ‘working’ and massaging people, yet end each day feeling overworked and underproductive.

By imagining those worse case scenarios, you’re letting fear take over you AND your business. 

You’re creating Red Light Stories for yourself. 

Red light stories are imaginary situations where you let your fear keep you from taking action. You’re stuck at a Red Light that you created for yourself. 

Most of us do this because we have fundamentally flawed way of looking at ‘no’s’ from prospects. We believe that when someone tells us ‘no,’ it’s the end of the process.

As if we only have this ONE shot to get it perfectly right.

This causes us to put so much pressure on ourselves because we CANNOT mess it up!

And when you’re trying to have a friendly conversation that smoothly transitions into a very genuine and natural ‘yes’ from your prospect, this pressure can be so intense that it can stop you in your tracks. 

It can stop you at a Red Light. 

What if I told you that way of thinking is completely wrong? 

And that if you could simply shift your belief about what ‘no’ meant to you, it could change everything for you? 

Here’s the thing….

‘No’ is not the end of the recruiting process. 

‘No’ is only the BEGINNING of the recruiting process for most people. 

It’s a very different mindset than what most people have, and that’s why they get so discouraged when someone tells them ‘no.’

Here’s the thing you have to understand – it’s NEVER no. It’s always just ‘not right now.’

It’s all about TIMING. 

When someone tells you no, what they’re really saying is that it’s not the right time in their life. And how are you going to know if it’s the right time unless you ask? 

Stop imagining all the ways it can go wrong in that pivotal moment, and start imagining ways that it can go right. 

Here’s what I want you to start doing:

Start FAILING FASTER and going for ‘no’ earlier in the process.

Stop looking at ‘no’ as the end of the process and putting so much pressure on yourself.

Stop defining yourself by the failure, stop wasting your time ‘relationship building,’ and start taking action!

Begin looking at each ‘no’ as a seed that’s been planted, a seed that someday might just grow and be very fruitful for you!


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