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Are you missing out on the most important part of your entrepreneurial journey?
Do you ever feel like the products and services you offer as an entrepreneur take over a large part of your identity as a person?
Maybe you’re known as ‘that shampoo girl’ or ‘the gut health nut’ by your family and friends.
You think, talk, post, and BREATHE whatever you’re selling, because you believe in it!
Your business is SO important that your identity begins to rely on how successful you become through it.
So, you obsess over ‘making that next sale’ or ‘getting that next recruit.’
You’re driven by the desire to achieve more, make more, DO more.
You do everything you can to climb that never ending ladder of success.
All the while missing a very important part of your journey… the thing that matters the most:
The CONTRIBUTION that we can make through the work that we do.
Today, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, is the National Day of Giving.
After we’ve spent the weekend shopping and looking for the best deals possible, this day reminds us to give to those less fortunate.
Today I want to challenge you to go DEEPER and think BIGGER in your business.
You need to understand that your BUSINESS is bigger than ‘just a shampoo biz’ or a ‘side hustle.’
Every single thing you do – every action you take, every conversation you have, every post on social media – is helping you create a LEGACY for your life.
Your legacy is your CONTRIBUTION to the world.
It’s how you’ll be remembered by those that matter the most to you when you’re gone.
It’s made up of all the seemingly insignificant, routine moments of impact and service you perform every day in your business and your life.
And most importantly the LOVE that you spread into the world.
As entrepreneurs we get so caught up in the race to the top – the rank we hold, the size of our teams, money in our bank account – and spend the majority of our lives defining ourselves by these things.
Never realizing that when we’re gone, none of that will matter.
Here’s what WILL matter:
I want to challenge you to take the time to ask the most important questions in life:
I promise you, at the end of your life, you will not be bragging to your friends about how your worked 24/7 and how you were always available to your team anytime they needed you.
Becoming rich and successful for the sake of being rich and successful will NOT make you happy in the long run.
Sure, there will be some instant gratification, but it WILL fade out over time.
I remember rolling my eyes every time my former mentor told me, “It’s not about the money.”
Easy for him to say! I was broke and thought money would fix EVERYTHING.
Standing here today, having finally achieved financial freedom, I can tell you he was right.
BUT…I’ll say it to you a different way:
It IS about the money.
But only because of what the money allows you to do in your life.
Not just for yourself, but for the betterment of other people not as fortunate as you.
Once we have the resources in place to provide for ourselves and our families, we are meant to use the money that comes our way in a way that does good.
THIS is the secret to happiness and fulfillment.
If you can use the wealth and success you achieve in your business to make a CONTRIBUTION, you’ll have the foundation for sustaining your momentum.
2020 is right around the corner (sure snuck out of nowhere, didn’t it??)
I’m sure most of you have set goals for 2020. Maybe to get control of your health, save more money, or hit that next rank advancement.
But, what is your ‘contribution goal’ for 2020?
Not just financially, but also how will you contribute through your time and talents in 2020?
What is your contribution goal when you achieve your financial, time, and personal freedom?
Committing to use your success to help others will provide you with a passion and calling beyond the scope of your business career.
You are much closer to having a significant impact on others than you may think.
I’ve always wanted to find a way to use my platform, my story, and the vehicle of network marketing to help amplify and spread the power of love to make a bigger impact in the world.
One of the ways I feel that I’ve been able to do that is by helping coach and empower an entire generation of leaders in this profession that we call Legacy Leaders.
Network Marketing has been a gift that has changed my life forever.
I want to share that gift with others through the training and work we do.
At my live event this past year, we partnered up with an organization called National Angels based out of Austin, Texas.
Every time we travel to a city to do a live event, we seek out a local charity to partner with.
We had the founder Susan Ramirez speak on stage and share the story of her organization.
The National Angels mission is to walk alongside children in the foster care system, as well as their caretakers, by offering consistent support through intentional giving, relationship building, and mentorship.
As many of you know, I’m currently writing my first book titled – ‘Love, Serve, Grow’ – that teaches a RADICALLY different way to think about and approach network marketing.
What makes it so different?
It’s centered around the idea of LOVE.
Susan’s message that she shared went along perfectly with what I was teaching.
The stories she shared touched me so much that it brought me to tears as I came on stage when she was done.
It made me think about my own son, and how lucky he was to grow up in such a loving home, knowing what a positive impact that was going to have in his life.
It broke my heart to know that there are children that live in this country that will grow up their entire lives never knowing the power of a stable, loving home.
We were able to raise almost $50,000 for them at our event, thanks to all the incredible people in our community that were in attendance.
This was the most money they had ever raised with a charity partner EVER.
Susan said she was blown away and honestly surprised.
I told her that I wasn’t, because I KNOW the people that are in our community.
I left that event feeling inspired – with her story heavy on my heart, thinking about how I could use my platform to help make an even bigger difference for the organization.
On the plane ride home I came up with a crazy idea.
What if I partnered with Susan and donated all of the proceeds of the book?
It was a crazy idea, especially given how much time and effort I’ve been putting into writing the book.
But I felt deep down like I was being nudged by God to do something more with it.
I thought about all the children’s lives that we, as a community, could help change together.
I spent the car ride home from the airport trying to find a way to share this crazy idea with Shannon.
And then she was as excited as I was about the idea!
So that’s what we’re doing.
When my book comes out early next year, we are donating 100% of the profits of the book to the National Angels to support their Love Box Program.
I don’t even know if I’ll sell a single copy of the book (I have a good feeling we will though…)
With the help of our community and the network marketing profession, we are going to change thousands of children’s lives that are in the Foster Care System today.
Showing them the transformative power of LOVE – this will become part of OUR legacy…together.
For this National Giving Day we have also partnered with Susan’s organization.
We set up a special link where you can donate.
If her message touched your heart the same as it did mine, and you have the means to help – ANY AMOUNT will be a HUGE help for their cause.
If you don’t have the means to help financially, but you’re interested in finding out how you can support their organization or even be a part of it, please let us know!
Here’s the message I hope you take with you today:
You’re being prepared for something so much BIGGER in your life.
When I look back at those early difficult days of mine, I realize now that God wasn’t giving me what I wanted, He was giving me what I NEEDED.
I’ll say the same for you:
Everything you’ve ever been through in your life has prepared you for this VERY moment.
You have gifts, talents, and abilities inside you far greater than anything you can imagine.
If you are questioning your self-worth and ability to create success, borrow my belief in you.
If you are involved in this profession, it’s not a MISTAKE.
You’re meant to be here, and I believe in you – even if don’t believe in yourself.
You were connected to your company to share a product and opportunity that can transform the lives of others.
You owe it to yourself and your family to get over your own fears, doubts, and insecurities and share yourself and what you have with the world.
Promise me that you won’t quit, you won’t stop, you won’t let other people’s opinions about what you do keep you from achieving your dreams and contributing your gifts to the world.
It’s completely free!
*Yes! I want to receive training and support to develop my leadership ability and grow my business!