If you’ve ever felt ‘stuck’ in your network marketing business, you’re familiar with the immense frustration that comes along with it.
Maybe you feel like you’re in a creative rut, maybe you’re feeling lazy, or maybe you feel like you’ve exhausted yourself over the last few months and not seeing any of the hard work pay off yet.
You’re not at the ‘I quit’ line yet, but you’d be lying if it hasn’t crossed your mind for a split second once (or twice).
What’s going on? Why can’t you push past this and find that success you felt before?
You’ve likely outgrown yourself and your old ways of running your business. The way you used to lead yourself and your team simply is NOT working anymore.
And you are at the point when your leadership skills will either make you or break you.
Success is not a matter of doing. It’s a matter of being.
It’s HOW you’re showing up for your team and for yourself.
You need to show up for your team by training yourself to lead with love.
Leading with love is one of the most important concepts that I teach my students inside of my leadership development program.
We call it Legacy Leadership and it drives every single thing we do inside of the program.
I believe it’s one of the biggest misconceptions in how people run their network marketing businesses.
SO many team leaders think ‘love’ is just being everyone’s friend and being overly nice all the time. They let these friendships come before holding their team accountable to take action and get work done.
What they don’t realize is that the relationships they build on their teams are the very things that limit them to leading people.
“Love doesn’t mean you affirm people all day and just tell them what they want to hear. There’s a necessary ‘tough love’ side of leadership.”
Love doesn’t mean you affirm people all day and just tell them what they want to hear. There’s a necessary ‘tough love’ side of leadership.
If you’re a leader, you need to be holding people accountable, setting boundaries around your time, implementing systems, and confronting people when they do things that are detrimental to their success.
THAT is love.
While maintaining relationships with your team is important, your main job is to LEAD them to success in their business.
When you begin to reframe the way you look at your relationships with your team members, it has a profound impact on your business as a whole.
In addition to leading your team in love, you also need to find out what it means to lead YOURSELF with love.
Giving your team tough love is important, but if you can’t learn to do that for yourself then you’re going to stay stuck.
What does it mean to lead yourself with love?
It means not letting excuses and red light stories get in the way of yourself.
It means being 100% honest with yourself.
It means pushing through the MILLIONS of stories on how you could fail and finding the ONE where you find your freedom.
It means leading YOURSELF so that you are an example to those watching you!
In order for you to go to that next level of your business, you need to transform yourself into someone who builds belief in themselves as a leader and divorces those old stories of ‘not enough.
Quite honestly, it is a LOT easier to practice tough love on your team members than on yourself.
Because it forces you to take a deep at yourself, your action, and how you’re leading yourself.
Believe me, this is not an easy thing to do. And that’s exactly why you read so much about only a small percentage of people ‘make it’ in the network marketing industry.
It’s a common scenario:
At some point in their network marketing business, leaders get stuck in a rut and feel like they can’t advance.
This is THE make or break moment, and it’s the moment leadership skills are put to the ultimate test.
They either adjust and mold into what their team needs, or they don’t realize they need to change and their business begins to backslide.
Which do you want?
It’s time to take a look at how you’re showing up for your team in more ways than simply checking in on their numbers each month.
What’s one way you plan to practice ‘tough love’ on your team this month? How do you plan to lead yourself with ‘tough love’?