
Why Massive Action Doesn’t Work

By February 15, 2019

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Can you believe it?!!

We have made it to my 100th episode of the Your Virtual Upline podcast!

I cannot thank each and every one of you for taking this journey with me!  Together, we have impacted people’s lives and the entire network marketing industry!

This podcast episode is a bit contrary to what most in the network marketing both believe and promote.

Brace yourself…

Massive action does not work for 92% of people.

Now I’m not saying that working hard, with both action and urgency, isn’t a great thing!

But, when most people talk about massive action, they are ONLY talking about the action and the urgency.  They miss a very important and critical piece, and that is also establishing IDENTITY.

“Take more and more action,” they say!  “Massive action is always the solution to your problem,” they say!

However, success is not JUST a matter of doing, but also a matter of BEING.

Whatever external results you have right now is just a reflection of your internal environment – your identity.

Here’s the action plan I lay out for you:

Instead of practicing the “Have-Do-Be” formula, you need to start doing the “Be-Do-Have.”

And I’m going to be with you in that process each step of the way!

My Legacy Leadership Academy is now open for a limited time, and I’ve created a Leadership Accelerator program for my new members!

See more information at www.legacyleadershipacademy.com


Episode Quotes

“Don’t get me wrong that working hard isn’t important, but there is a critical missing piece that many leaders missed.”

“Your external environment will always be a reflection of your internal environment.”

“You are never going to achieve your goals unless you first dig in to your identity.”

“The conscious mind is the goal setter, but the subconscious mind is the goal getter.”

“Success isn’t a matter of doing, it’s a matter of being.”

“You can’t change your life. Change your habits and your habits change your life.”


Listen to Learn

00:04   Episode Intro

01:15   Celebrating the 100th episode… Thank you so much!

04:50   The hard truth about taking massive action

06:25   Many leaders are missing a critical piece

09:59   Why massive action does not work for 90% of people?

12:12   Importance of “identity”

15:51   Bob’s personal “massive action doesn’t work” story

18:35   Action plan for success (Be-Do-Have)

21:33   How values and habits can change your life

24:00   Legacy Leadership Academy is now open

25:26   The exciting Accelerator Program if you enroll now


Hurry! Legacy Leadership Academy is now open for new members. Enroll here: legacyleadershipacademy.com