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There are 3 different identities you must adopt in order to become massively successful in your network marketing business.
Your value in life isn’t in the things that you do; it’s in who you are
I have to admit, I had my own challenges when beginning my network marketing team. However, the concept of identity led me to the single greatest ‘aha moment’ of my career.
Here is the problem that most of us have: our identities (how we see ourselves) limit our results.
Our day is dominated by negative thoughts, stories, and beliefs that limiting us. But I want you to understand that success is not a matter of doing; it’s a matter of being.
So here are 3 Identities needed for network marketing success.
First, understand that you are a BUSINESS OWNER. I’ve seen a lot of people work on their business when they feel like it, when it’s convenient, or when they feel motivated. And this is a very dangerous place to be. So beginning today, I want you to start thinking like a business owner. Start treating it like a real business. Identify the characteristics of a successful business owner and start living by them today.
The second Identity is a NETWORK MARKETER. If you want to become successful in this profession, you don’t ‘do network marketing.’ Nope! You must become a network marketer. The key is to shift from a saleman’s mindset to a service mindset. Your business can make you tons of money, but that money and success is only as good as what you do with it to help others.
Last, you are a LEADER. Most of us have impostor’s syndrome. We’re so worried people will find out that ‘we don’t know everything’ that we don’t even start. These are simply limiting beliefs about ourselves when it comes to leadership. So here is my advice, stop focusing on what you don’t have and haven’t done yet. Instead, start showing some appreciation for the things you have done, and what you have already in your life. You don’t need to have a team to be a leader. You only need to begin by leading the most important person – YOURSELF.
Episode Quotes
“Success isn’t a matter of doing; it’s a matter of being”
“If you truly want to transform your business and your life, you have to start from the foundation of examining who you are being in your business.”
“Financial freedom only comes if you can learn how to be responsible and smart with the money that you are making.”
“It is the little things that you do over time that make the biggest difference.”
“If you want to become successful in this profession, you don’t do network marketing, you must become a network marketer.”
“Network marketing is a vehicle that will help you live your purpose and become the person that God created you to be.”
“Your legacy is the ultimate product of your life.”
“Your value in life isn’t in the things that you do, it’s in who you are.”
“Action is where you grow, and become the leader that you need to be to deserve success.”
“Stop feeding your fear. Start building your faith.”
Listen to Learn
2:03 YES! We found a healthy adult cereal
4:53 The concept of identity and why it’s essential for success
9:24 Identity #1: Business Owner
19:57 Identity #2: Network Marketer
28:37 Identity #3: Leader
33:31 Here’s my exercise for you
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*Yes! I want to receive training and support to develop my leadership ability and grow my business!