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Today, I am joined by Jasmine Star, photographer, entrepreneur, and Instagram expert. In this episode, Jasmine and I talk about Instagram Stories, how to effectively use it in your network marketing business, and the best practices you can implement in your own business.
We are not using Instagram Stories to sell… we use it to build our personal brands
Facebook has been monumental in changing the way we do business in network marketing.
However, Instagram has become the most highly effective and fastest growing platform today in the social media world.
And many network marketers are taking advantage of it!
Instagram, with its focus on pictures and the telling of stories, allows your customers and prospects to connect and engage with you professionally and personally in ways not possible on other social media platforms.
In this episode, Jasmine and I focuses on Instagram Stories, why it is so great, why you should use it, and how to use it effectively in building your brand.
We talk about how to actually create an effective Instagram Story, and Jasmine provides us with the best practices that we can implement in our network marketing business.
And be ready! Because as have an action plan for you at the end of this episode to help you implement Instagram Stories into your own social media plan for growing your business!
Episode Quotes
“There is never like one big shift… it was literally the daily grind of showing up and doing the same thing and learning from past mistakes.”
“The NO is a direct reflection of what you are selling and not a direct reflection of you.”
“Instagram is the most highly effective, highly engaging, fastest growing platform in all of human history as of now.”
“Time leads to money if it is strategically aligned to your goal.”
“We are not using stories to sell. We are using stories to build our personal brands and market what we are selling without selling it.”
“There isn’t a right or wrong for the amount of Instagram Stories. It depends on what does your end customer wants to see.”
“Instagram Stories is creating your own Netflix series that people can binge on.”
“You need to stop thinking and you need to start doing.”
Listen to Learn
00:35 Episode Intro
03:29 Getting to know Jasmine Star – personal life and entrepreneurial journey
07:57 “A cocktail party on the internet” – consistency, communication and connecting on social media
10:46 Facebook vs Instagram – messaging principles
12:56 Is Instagram the future for marketing? Why people should be on Instagram today?
15:40 What makes Instagram Stories so great and why you should do it?
17:32 How to create an effective Instagram Story? Jasmine’s specific examples for you
30:12 Best practices for your Instagram Stories
32:52 Are videos as Instagram Stories effective?
35:46 Bob and Jasmine’s action plan for you
38:40 Jasmine’s social media and website links
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