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In this podcast episode, we dive into a topic that I believe everyone can relate to which is how to overcome your fear of prospecting. I am going to give you a totally different way to look at fear and what I wish I would have known when I first started in network marketing.
The goal is not to eliminate FEAR… it is to build your FAITH
As humans we start off free from fear. My son, Greyson, proves this! He is a maniac and fearless in how he lives his life and what he’s willing to try each day.
However, over time, as humans, we start to develop a fear that resides deep inside of us.
When I started my own first network marketing business, I was so excited at first!….until I had to make that first phone call! Then the fear stepped in! In fact, I, Bob Heilig, hated prospecting at first!
Oftentimes, we wind up clinging to our fears because we want to be certain and be in control.
We can call fear different things, but I want you to understand that no matter the term you use, they are all the same. And the solution to overcome every single type of fear is the same as well.
You need to know this – the solution is not eliminating fear; it is building up your faith.
To be successful in your business, you must break the habitual pattern of negative thinking that you’ve created in your life. This way of thinking has created your current results!
You must be able to interpret the things you are scared of – the ‘no’s,’ the rejections, the lack of responses from people you respect – in a different way than your current emotions are allowing.
And so, in this episode, let’s dig a bit deeper on what exactly fear is, exactly why we love to cling to our fears, but also what you need to consciously and intentionally see to overcome fear’s grip on your life and your business.
Mentioned: EPISODE 73
Episode Quotes
“Over time we start to develop fear and we create this self-imposed limiting bubble that we live in.”
“We call fear different things, but it is really the same, and the solution to overcoming fear is the same.”
“Fear is simply imagining a negative outcome to an action that you haven’t yet taken.”
“The longer you try to hold on to certainty and control the longer you will stay stuck.”
“Success is never certain. It never comes without risk.”
“Successful people build their success on top of a pile of failure.”
“The level of success you experience in your business will be in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with every day.”
“The opposite of certainty and the need to be in control is to have faith.”
“Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward is to see what you believe.”
“It is not your circumstances but your thoughts that create the feeling.”
“Your thoughts are what create your results…. not anything else outside of you.”
“Positive thoughts create positive feelings.”
“Successful people understand they can consciously choose a different thought that will help them create better results.”
Listen to Learn
00:35 Episode Intro, Legacy Leadership Academy updates
02:02 We start off free from fear and then…
04:11 My network marketing story – “I was paralyzed by my fear of prospecting”
07:01 What exactly FEAR is?
09:42 Why you should stop holding on to certainty and control?
13:03 Stop eliminating fear… Start building faith…
16:44 The concept of “creative interpretations”, Red Light/Negative Thoughts
21:00 How to overcome the fear of prospecting, Green Light/Positive Thoughts
25:13 My assignment for you
26:26 A peek inside next week’s episode
It’s completely free!
*Yes! I want to receive training and support to develop my leadership ability and grow my business!