
How to Get Control of Your Health and Live a More Fulfilled Life

By April 16, 2019

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Today’s special podcast guest is none other than Chalene Johnson!

A health guru, business expert, and motivational speaker, Chalene joins me to talk about a subject I’ve never explored before on the YVU podcast – how your health affects the bottom line of your business.

Your health – how you feel, how you look, and your health mindset – affects your business mindset, how you make decisions, and how you ‘put yourself out there.’

Your health –  whether it’s in body, spirit, relationships, or finances –  builds confidence.

My mission has always been how can I help people get healthy – financially, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Chalene talks about her own health scare, how she was ashamed at first because of her standing in the health community, and how she eventually decided that her personal health scare had to be shared with others.

Her journey to get her health back became her message to her community, including her new book, “131 Method”, which delivers the personalized solution to wellness, hormone balance, and permanent weight loss that she personally used to get her personal health back.

Chalene also shares how her personal faith intersects with her business, and how she builds her business founded in the same principles that are founded in her faith.

Although in business we’ve traditionally been told not to mix faith and business together, when it comes to being your authentic self, Chalene and I chat about how it is important to her to let your tribe know about your beliefs, including your faith.


Episode Quotes

“My mission has always been how can I help people get healthy – financially, physically, mentally, spiritually.”

“Developing the framework was even bigger than purpose, it was responsibility.”

“Not every area of your life is going to have equal amount of attention but you can feel balanced. I call it PEACE.”

“There is a difference between hearing information and applying it and that boils down to mindset.”

“When you change your diet the way that you’re supposed to then you’ve experienced freedom from food rules.”

“Understand that nutrition can fix just about every major disease you can think of.”

“The body will tell us what we want and what we don’t want if we will actually listen to it.”

“Diets do work! What doesn’t work is the long term maintenance.”

“Entrepreneurs don’t understand how powerful their nutrition and lifestyle has an impact on their bottom line.”

“We are most attracted to people with confidence; and confidence comes when we know what we’re doing and we feel really good physically.”

“Your health is not exercise and nutrition alone.”

“The degree of being authentic depends on how you value yourself.”

“Work is so much more enjoyable when you can totally be yourself and not worry about it.”

“Sharing my faith solidified the relationship that we’ve had with our audience that is also strong in that area.” – Bob

“The most ruthless, mean and close-minded emails I’ve ever received are from fellow Christians.”


Listen to Learn

00:45               Your Virtual Upline podcast story – How it all started?

02:25               Introducing Chalene Johnson – health and lifestyle expert

04:13               Chalene’s mission

08:36               Chalene’s health story – pivotal point to becoming a health expert

15:08               Developing the health and nutrition framework (The 131 Method)

18:49               Everything happens for a reason, PEACE over BALANCE

22:03               The social media battle

23:28               Fundamental things to start with – mindset & objective

26:22               Overview about phases of dieting

31:40               A peek of what’s inside The 131 Method program

38:12               Importance of health, nutrition and lifestyle to entrepreneurs

43:12               Date of book release and website link

44:03               JUST BE YOURSELF – the power of showing up in an authentic way online

53:21               Chalene’s take about being outspoken of your faith in your business

01:01:23         End notes, website and social media links