
Stop Asking Your Upline to Build Your Business

By July 26, 2022

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While delegation is an important component in order to be an effective leader, it gets more challenging as you go up the ladder. 

And one of the big mistakes leaders do is assigning things up to their upline.

It robs others of the opportunity to DO, LEARN, and GROW; and in the long-term can actually hurt the growth of your business. 

Delegating is not just for your own benefit, but more importantly it’s for the development and growth of your team. 

In this episode, I’ll explain why it’s important to stop asking your upline to build your business and why it might be a barrier to your business growth. 


Episode Quotes

“You should never delegate up. You always delegate down.” 

“Giving people the opportunity to do things that they normally wouldn’t have done is one of the most transformative things for their own leadership development and growth.”

“When you delegate up, you just lost an opportunity to help someone else grow.” 

“If you struggle to delegate you lack vision.”

“Start seeing people on your team not as who they are today but who they can be tomorrow.”


Listen to Learn

01:20 – Speaking engagement at Beachbody Coach Summit   

06:18 – The power of delegation for leadership 

10:02 – Never delegate up… Delegate down 

12:00 – Why people struggle with delegation

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