
The Power of Letting Go #BehindTheMic

By May 20, 2022

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Hey everyone! I’m excited to introduce to you a new series here in the podcast called #BehindTheMic. 

In this series, I’m going to be having conversations with you about some of the ‘behind the scenes’ of our company.

And it’s not only about what’s happening inside the company, but more importantly the lessons we’re learning as things progress in our business. 

I’ll see you behind the mic!


Episode Quotes

“In order to build a business that is bigger than you, you’ve got to learn how to let go of control.”

“The right people are investments so that you can ROI long term.”

“You’ve got let go of control to let in more of what you want – more freedom, more growth.”


Listen to Learn

01:41 – Learning to let go of control

06:52 – The impact of delegating your work to others 

10:29 – Why leaders must keep learning and growing

14:28 – Overcoming the obstacles to delegation


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