
Breaking Free From the Hustle Harder Trap

By March 29, 2022

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In this week’s episode, we’re talking about a concept that has become more and more toxic in today’s workplace culture…

…and one that has done very little good in the social selling and networking marketing industries, too.

And that is: HUSTLING. 

In this 22-minute episode, you’ll learn:

—> Why our Love, Serve, Grow framework is the radically different plan you need to break free of hustling

—> What slowing down actually allows us to do (and why!)

—> How you need to shift the way you work your business 

—> A way better approach to the “results-focused” way of working we’ve all been taught

—> Why it’s so critical to simplify your business and do LESS

I also have a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT about something that I’ve created to support you in all of these areas…

…and to help you begin to leave that Hustle Harder mentality in the DUST.


Episode Quotes

“If you want sustainable success, you need a radically different plan – LOVE SERVE GROW.”

“Love Serve Grow is a disciplined approach to hustling less.”

“Transformation doesn’t come from information, it comes from execution.”

“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” – Victor Hugo


Listen to Learn

01:07 – 2 misconceptions on achieving success

02:43 – The key to sustainable success

04:43 – A different approach to sales  

06:28 – Transformational Selling Challenge!

08:52 – LOVE, SERVE, GROW Program

15:00 – Overcoming opposition


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