
Are You Taking Growth Oriented Actions (GOA’s)?

By January 19, 2022

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What’s more important in your business – RESULTS or GROWTH? 

We hear it over and over inside the network marketing industry…

 That the secret to success is focusing on the income producing activities (IPA’s) of your business.

IPA’s are the front-end activities that we do in the business to create leads – activities like prospecting, creating content on social media, giving presentations, sharing your products with people, etc. 

However, when we take action, we also get extremely focused on the results. 

And when we don’t see the results that we want to see or expect, we begin to get discouraged and doubt ourselves.

Here’s the thing — focusing on IPAs might produce short-term personal success, but they will never contribute to the long-term growth of your business.

If you want to see long-term sustainable success in your business, you need to shift your mindset and activity to what I like to call Growth Oriented Actions (GOA’s).

In this episode, I teach why focusing on IPA is a formula for failure and how you can shift to growth oriented actions to achieve sustainable business growth. 


Episode Quotes

“Defining success of the action by the results is always a formula for failure.”

“When we’re focused on growth oriented actions, we begin to do things more effectively.”

“Your biggest fears will be the biggest contributors to your growth.”

“Our growth determines our capacity to lead.” 

“Success is service and growth.”


Listen to Learn

00:23 – What is an income producing activity (IPA)?

03:00 – Why focusing on IPAs is a formula for failure 

05:17 – Shifting to Growth Oriented Actions (GOA)

08:17 – How to conquer fear and achieve growth

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