Happy New Year! It’s a fresh start – a new beginning.
I believe most of us have already set our goals for 2022. And for so many of you, that probably includes a rank up in your company.
So right now, you’re deep into thinking about the tactics, strategies, and actions to achieve that next rank.
But here’s the shift you must make first: the change in your mindset will ALWAYS come before the actual rank.
The secret to goal achievement is this:Before thinking about what you’re going to do, be clear on the mindset you need for success.
Because impossible goals require you to be someone you’ve never been before, you must think in a way you’ve never thought and believe things you’ve never believed before.
Understand that your actions don’t create your results. It’s the MINDSET you have behind the actions.
In this episode, I share with you how you can transform your mindset and the way you think so you can achieve those impossible goals this 2022.
Episode Quotes
“The solution to your problems does not lie anywhere outside of you, it’s inside of you.”
“Every new level of your business and life will require a new you.”
“You don’t ACT your way to success, you THINK and FEEL your way to it.”
Listen to Learn
01:34 – Where are you currently in your business?
05:42 – Why mindset comes before the rank
11:37 – The power of visualization
18:21 – Shifting from negative to positive thinking