
How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome

By August 31, 2021

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Have you ever achieved a big goal and not felt worthy of the results?

If yes, then you’re trapped in one of the biggest obstacles in creating total freedom in our business and in our lives – Imposter Syndrome.

It happens when you reach a new level of success in life, and something deep down inside tells you that you are NOT worthy of that accomplishment.

Then, you start to doubt yourself and every single decision and action that you make.

And what happens is you begin living a life of fear, restricting yourself, and you stop creating and putting yourself out there in this world.

But remember, you were put on this earth for a purpose!  You, my friend, are no mistake!

Tune in to learn:

—> What Imposter Syndrome really is — as well as the real damage it does if you let it stick around

—> The mindset shift you need to have to realize your full potential and show up as the person you want to be

—> How to kick Imposter Syndrome to the curb and truly feel worthy of all your goals, dreams, and success


Episode Quotes

“Every new level is the same devil.”

“Imposter syndrome is a byproduct of your red light core story.”

“Every new level of accomplishment requires a new level of belief.”

“When you’re living in FEAR, you stop creating.”

“You can’t put in minimal effort and expect maximum results.”


Listen to Learn

01:57 – What is imposter syndrome?

05:21 – My own ‘imposter syndrome’ story

13:29 – Mindfulness and being present in the moment


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