
Stop Saying That You’re ‘Stuck’ in Your Business!

By June 25, 2021

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I hear this from our LLA students all of the time….

“I feel so stuck in my business right now… I don’t know what to do!”

But, really, this is just an excuse.

“Being stuck” becomes a safety net for them to not face their fears and take the necessary action.

And this becomes a default setting called the ‘STAY STUCK cycle’ – repeating the same negative results over and over again.

I bet a lot of you can relate to this, and maybe you feel this way right now in your own business.

In this episode, I want to give you all some ‘tough love’ and help you understand exactly WHY you feel stuck.

I’m going to also going to give you two specific reasons why this happens and two actions you can take to help you get unstuck and make real progress in your business and life.

I promise for many of you this is going to be the kick in the ‘you know what’ you need!

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Episode Quotes

“Feeling stuck is God’s way of reminding you that you’ve stopped growing in your life.”

“The seed of greatness lies inside of you.”

“YES’s build your business – NO’s build you.”

“Your growth lies just on the other side of scariest feelings and emotions.”

“FEAR never goes away. You must have the courage to take action even despite the fear.”


Listen to Learn

02:10 – Stop making ‘stuck’ as an excuse

05:53 – What being stuck represents in your life

08:58 – The STAY STUCK cycle

11:01 – #1 – You’re failing from FEAR, not LOVE

15:50 – Building courage to face fear

21:00 – #2 – You are spending the majority of your time focusing on the WRONG things

26:14 – Creating a plan for your life and business

28:14 – Nicole’s success story


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