
How to Deal with Network Marketing Haters

By May 21, 2021

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Are you dealing with “Network Marketing Haters” in your life?  Even worse, are some of them your own family and friends? 

If ‘yes’, then how are you responding to them?

Is it by shrinking back and making yourself and your business ‘smaller’ so they have less to hate?

I need you to understand right now that their snide comments and unsupportive behavior isn’t the real issue here.

The real issue is that you went into this business with the expectation that certain people would support you.  You have a predefined story in your head about what exactly people will say and act towards you and your new business.

And when those expectations don’t become a reality, it stops you in your tracks.

In this episode, I’ll teach you ways to deal with unsupportive people, how to respond from a place of love instead of fear, and how to detach yourself from the negative opinion of others.

Join the free training on how to deal with network marketing haterswww.yourvirtualupline.com/haters


Episode Quotes

“No matter how hard you try, you can’t control other people.”

“Do not attach yourself to the negative opinion of people on what you do.”

“Stop reacting to other people’s opinion. Learn how to start responding.”

“If we change the way we look at things, over time, the thing we look at change.”


Listen to Learn

02:10 – Encountering people who are against network marketing

05:25 – How to deal with people not supporting you

09:03 – Responding from a place of LOVE

11:17 – The unsupportive family and friends

16:38 – How to make your spouse, family, or friends supportive