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Is Clubhouse the PERFECT biz-building tool for you? Here’s how to get started!
I have a confession for ya.
I’m a little bit obsessed with Clubhouse!
(Want these top 5 tips in a free PDF guide? Download it here!)
You’re probably rolling your eyes right now, and thinking “What’s so special about Clubhouse? I’m hearing about it everywhere – but it’s just another social media platform, right?”
That’s true – but Clubhouse is different. And I believe it could be a PERFECT platform to help you build your business.
So, why is it perfect for you?
Well, if you’ve listened to any of my podcasts, you know that I am all about being a servant leader first and foremost in your business.
And one of the ways we do this is by sharing value in any way we can…no matter if we are getting something in return. And that is exactly what Clubhouse is all about.
Most of us are focused on consuming rather than creating content that gives value to people.
The true opportunity right now on Clubhouse is to build awareness for who you are by creating content and serving your audience in a new and fun way.
In this week’s episode, I’ll share with you my top 5 tips for getting started on Clubhouse.
But, whether or not you’re using Clubhouse, the foundational LOVE, SERVE, GROW principles I share with you are valuable no matter what social media platform you’re on.
Head to to download your free guide on 5 tips for getting started on Clubhouse!
Episode Quotes
“Stop thinking of yourself as a salesperson. Start thinking of yourself as a paid problem solver.”
“The true opportunity right now on Clubhouse is to build awareness by creating content.”
“Don’t be afraid to promote what you believe.”
“Detach from the results and embrace the process.”
“Success is you doing, and growing, and learning, and getting better.”
Listen to Learn
01:32 – Review of the Week, Student of the Week
04:13 – #1: Setting up your PROFILE/BIO effectively
11:40 – #2: Spend 80% of your time CREATING and 20% CONSUMING
20:49 – The Oprah Effect
26:07 – #3: Connect on Clubhouse, but take to INSTAGRAM
34:03 – #4: Use the CONVERSATIONAL SELLING strategy
36:05 – #5: Be CONSISTENT and don’t focus on the RESULTS!
It’s completely free!
*Yes! I want to receive training and support to develop my leadership ability and grow my business!