Today’s #AskBob episode is inspired from one of our listeners on the new Clubhouse social media platform.
I was asked the other day, “Bob, when do red light stories stop?
This listener was doing ‘all the things’…including intentionally working on his mindset.
But, red light stories keep popping into his thoughts.
My answer: Red light stories NEVER stop. They will always be there waiting for you.
But, the real problem is when we accept them as true. When we don’t challenge them at all.
It’s when we believe the red light stories that we become stuck in our life and business.
The goal, therefore, is not getting rid of them. It’s to stop believing in them.
Join me in this episode, as I talk about why having red light stories is normal, and how to get unstuck by shifting your mindset, building your belief, and focusing on the positives.
Episode Quotes
“Red light stories never stop.”
“Your lack of results is not because you lack ability. It’s because you lack BELIEF.”
“It’s the existence of the negative that makes the positive so good.”
Listen to Learn
00:12 – Do red light stories stop?
02:48 – Our dream house story
08:32 – Letting go of red light stories… Letting go of lies
16:24 – Red light stories are normal
To register for my free live training on ‘The Formula for Transformation’ on Thursday February 11th click this link!