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We are smack dab in the middle of the craziness that is election season, and when someone shares opinions you passionately disagree with … what will you do?
Over the next couple of weeks your social media is going to BLOW UP with people’s opinions.
The big question though is..
Why do we feel so threatened when others have different political view than us?
And, why would it make us feel differently about them and respect them less?
Every one of us will always have different opinions politically.
But in every moment we also have the power to choose to act from a place of LOVE or FEAR.
We can either RESPOND or REACT.
However, what happens most of the time is we immediately REACT… And the more reacting we do, the less empowered we are.
In this episode, I’m going to show what it means to act from a place of LOVE.
Why, as leaders, we must seek to first UNDERSTAND before being UNDERSTOOD.
One of the most important qualities you will ever possess as a leader is your ability to lead and connect with people that are different from you.
It’s about choosing LOVE even when it’s difficult, frustrating, or inconvenient.
Episode Quotes
“True transformation comes from understanding that we can NEVER change anyone else except for ourselves.”
“True leaders don’t divide, they UNITE even when it’s difficult, frustrating, or inconvenient.”
“Judgement of another isn’t LOVE… it’s FEAR.”
“Always choose LOVE even when it is hard.”
“The true test of character is how we respond during times of challenge and adversity.”
“All pain in suffering in our lives comes from our own thoughts and beliefs.”
“Love is total acceptance of the circumstances of our lives.”
Listen to Learn
00:08 – Political views on social media
03:56 – Review of the Week
05:00 – WHY do you react when others share a different political view?
09:56 – Leaders don’t divide, they UNITE
14:34 – Leading from a place of LOVE – “People are assignments”
22:17 – The real issue – UNMET EXPECTATION
25:49 – Reaction vs. Response
If you have questions, text me at (215) 608-1454, and let me know what do you need help with, what issues are your struggling, and what topics you want me to cover in future episodes.
It’s completely free!
*Yes! I want to receive training and support to develop my leadership ability and grow my business!