You totally get that using your time efficiently and productively is necessary to grow your business, and you want to change, but, every single week, you are crash landing into Mondays.
And here’s why – you have a wrong belief about time management.
Struggling with time is NEVER a time issue. It is ALWAYS a priority issue.
Here’s the mindset shift that I want you to make when it comes to your schedule – rather than thinking of it as a time management issue, you need to begin thinking of it as a struggle with managing YOURSELF in relation to time.
In this week’s Biz Tip Friday, I’ll share with you my #1 strategy for increasing your productivity. I’ll teach you exactly how you can create a structured plan for your week and how to set your priorities in your calendar.
If you can do this one thing, I promise you will be better at managing your time and feel like you have so much more time to build your business and do the things that you love.
Episode Quotes
“It is not possible for you to manage time.”
“Struggling with time is never a time issue. It’s a priority issue.”
“Having no structured plan or schedule kills your productivity.”
07:17 – Yes, you can do this! Yes, you’re good in time!
If you have questions, text me at (215) 608-1454, and let me know what do you need help with, what issues are your struggling, and what topics you want me to cover in future episodes.