
{Biz Tip Friday} Do You Have a Standardized Opportunity Presentation?

By August 28, 2020

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Are you struggling to create any real momentum or growth on your network marketing team?  Can your team members not seem to successfully duplicate the same success that you’ve experienced?

If this sounds familiar, I can almost guarantee you it’s because there’s a lack of clarity throughout your team in exactly HOW to deliver the details about your business opportunity.

Here is what’s missing: a standardized opportunity presentation

Your team, especially new team members, does not have the confidence to lead with your product because they lack the set of tools (videos, PDF, PPT templates) that will deliver the message to their prospects.

In this week’s Biz Tip Friday, I’ll teach you how you can implement a standardized opportunity presentation in your business. I’ll give you examples and best practices on how to design an effective prospecting system so that your team members have an easy presentation system that will create duplication and momentum in their businesses!


Episode Quotes

“Understand that prospects don’t care about you; they care about what you can do for them.”

“Consistent messaging creating value enables more people to sign up.”

“It takes a series of exposures for somebody to say ‘YES.’”


Listen to Learn

01:01 – Pros of a standardize opportunity presentation

05:15 – Key elements in a standardize opportunity presentation

08:41 – Examples and implementation

12:29 – Designing a prospecting system (exposure process)


If you have questions, text me at (215) 608-1454, and let me know what do you need help with, what issues are your struggling, and what topics you want me to cover in future episodes.

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