Getting on the phone with a prospect dramatically increases your chances of success in recruiting someone.
In fact, this is one of tactics that I used to build my own successful network marketing team!
My goal was to get someone on the phone either BEFORE or during the follow-up after a 3rd party tool.
But the big question I’m always asked is: What do I actually say on the call?!!!
In this week’s Biz Tip Friday, I share with you my 3 guidelines of what to say and what to NOT say on the phone with a prospect, what your goal should be for the call, and why you shouldn’t be the EXPERT and instead be the SOLUTION.
Episode Quotes
“Prospecting and recruiting is a personalized process.”
“People don’t buy products or opportunities – they buy solutions to their problems.”
“The one that asks the questions controls the conversation.”
Listen to Learn
01:47 – Recruitment process for different types of prospects
04:54 – The 3 things a phone call helps you do
07:43 – Share your personal story (DON’T be the EXPERT, be the SOLUTION)
12:57 – Ask your prospects questions
16:01 – Lead them to your recruitment process
Text me at (215) 608-1454 and let me know your questions or topics you want me to cover here on future episodes.