What is the fastest way for me to start developing strong leaders on my team?
Having strong leaders on your team is the key for you to have a successful business that provides the time freedom that you crave in life.
However, it is rare that team members will develop into the leaders you need on their own.
Therefore, identifying team members with potential and developing them to be leaders on your team must be an important part of your job.
However, most leaders, such as yourself, are biased towards actions. We think it’s easier and faster for us to just do a task or manage a project by ourselves. Plus, we then have control.
But here’s the thing, the more that you are concerned with control, the more that you’re killing your leadership potential.
Instead of having that “Go, go, go! I’ll get it done faster’ mindset, you need to learn how to SLOW DOWN and intentionally include others so that you can eventually SPEED UP.
In this week’s Biz Tip Friday, I’ll share with you my #1 strategy that I’ve ever used in my business and I’ve taught to our students to help them in developing leaders.
Episode Quotes
“You don’t find leaders; you create leaders.”
“As leaders, our bias towards action keeps us from slowing down to begin developing new leaders.”
“Legacy leaders view other people’s success as the greatest indication that they are doing the right thing.”
“Be compassionate in helping people succeed.”
Listen to Learn
02:02 – The ‘Never do anything alone’ strategy
04:23 – Slowdown in order to speed up
06:29 – Onboarding and developing new leaders
10:00 – Let go of your EGO
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