
{Live Coaching} Can a Stay-at-Home Mom Succeed in Business?

By April 21, 2020

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Today’s podcast is a LIVE mindset coaching session with Jocelyn. Jocelyn is one of our students inside my leadership development group, the Legacy Leadership Academy.

She has been really successful at recruiting people but hasn’t experienced significant DUPLICATION in her team. Her team cannot seem to create the recruiting success that she has created for herself.

Jocelyn’s issues are twofold: First, she needs to create a simple, tools-based prospecting system for her team.  And second, which is also the real issue for Jocelyn, is her negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs.

Jocelyn hasn’t reached out to some of her contacts who have a higher level of success because she thinks, “They are better than me.” This inability to move forward and seek guidance is actually an issue of SELF-WORTH.  She feels that she’s just not good enough, and that others are simply more successful than she is.

Join me in this live coaching session, as I coach Jocelyn on how to manage her thoughts, why she needs to stop comparing herself with others, and the importance of getting over the past and focusing on the future.


Episode Quotes

“When implementing new systems, you can’t have any expectation that it’s going to produce results right away. It takes time.”

“Nothing outside of you is the real issue.”

“Action isn’t what’s important. It’s the thoughts and feelings behind the action.”

“The present moment is the only place you will ever change your life.”

“The evidence of your future results lies in your thinking of today.”

“Have a vision of where you want to go and start acting from that future every day.”

“Stop comparing yourself to other people. Compare yourself to yourself.”


Listen to Learn

01:23 – Reviewer of the Week

03:05 – Jocelyn’s business and leadership struggles

08:03 – Importance of building a simple and tools based prospecting system

17:34 – How limiting belief is holding back your business

22:46 – Overcoming “others are better than me” thought

30:37 – Let go of negative thinking, get over the past, focus on the future

36:39 – Why comparing yourself to others is never good

41:36 – Exercise: A Letter For Yourself

43:49 – The gift of happiness, love and joy


The Legacy Leadership Academy is now open to new members.  Go to www.legacyleadershipacademy.com/free and enroll today.