
What if Your Desire to Lead is Greater Than Your Ability? #AskBob

By March 27, 2020

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Today’s #AskBob episode comes from a question I received on Instagram.

I have the DESIRE to lead, but I’m wondering whether or not I have the ABILITY to do so?  I’m way too hard on myself, and don’t really believe in myself as a leader.  Can I learn, or is it hopeless?

This is something that I know a lot of you are probably struggling with right now.  You hear me telling you that this is a ‘challenge for you to step up as a leader’.  I know most of you have that desire to lead your teams, and be a leader to the people in your life.

But I also know that many of you struggle when it comes to your own confidence and belief as a leader.  Today’s episode I’ll share my thoughts with you on this topic.  It’s something that I’m really passionate about, because for a very long time, I struggled with this same thing.

What I want you to know is that leaders aren’t BORN, and that every one of you has the seed of leadership inside of you right now.  You need to believe that to be true, and you have to be willing to push past your fears and step out there and lead.  That’s the only way you’re going to truly discover that which already lies inside of you.


Episode Quotes

“Leading yourself begins with learning how to master your own mind.”

“It’s our greatest fears in life that are actually reflection of our greatest gifts inside of us.”

“What you believe about yourself will absolutely manifest as the results in your life.”

“If you have faith to take a step even when you can’t see the whole staircase, that’s when the miracle of life happens.”

“Growth comes through action and failure.”


Listen to Learn

01:56 – Reviewer of the Week

02:57 – Legacy Leadership Academy for FREE!!!

09:18 – How self-belief shapes your leadership

17:06 – Unleashing the leader in you

23:02 – “This too shall pass”


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – the Legacy Leadership Academy is now FREE until the end of April!

Go to www.legacyleadershipacademy.com/free and you can enroll today, no credit card required, and get total access to all our training, coaching, and support.

If you know you need help during these challenging times join now, and spread the word to your teams!