
Do the work or You Don’t Get to Complain!

By March 10, 2020

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You may not want to hear this, but, here’s what I want to say to you…

If you’re not, at the very least, SHOWING UP and doing the work in your business, then you don’t get to complain anymore about your lack of results!

I think what some of you need is a little ‘tough love’ in this area -you need someone that cares enough about you to take a stand for you and your future success.

As most of you know, we’ve created the first ever leadership certification program for Network Marketing in the world – The Legacy Leadership Academy. This program is a 12-month program designed to give network marketers everything they need to create success in this industry.

And there have been SO many success stories that have come from members of the academy. In fact, some of the students have been guests in the previous episodes of this podcast.

However, with all my efforts – designing the program, producing video trainings, and even creating a mobile app – it’s so interesting to me that some network marketers are posting on social media how ‘stuck they feel’ or ‘overwhelmed they are.’  Because here’s the thing – these are also the very same people who consistently do NOT make the time to show up and do the work.

Here’s your wakeup call — You do NOT get the right to complain anymore about your ‘lack of results’ if you aren’t willing to show up and do the work.

The true reality is that there are people with the exact same challenges that you have right now; yet those people are making the time and taking action.

I think it’s time for some of you to finally make your success A PRIORITY in your life.

Stop the blame game, don’t fall into the complaining trap, and start taking action.

And the first action I’m assigning to you is listen to this podcast.  Then share it with a team member who maybe needs to hear the same message, too!

You CAN do this.  And I am and always will be your biggest cheerleader!


Episode Quotes

“People who are succeeding do not let their emotions dictate their action.”

“The only limitation for you creating the life of your dreams is the story that you tell yourself about how it IS or ISN’T possible.”

“Discomfort is the currency to your dreams.” – Brooke Castillo

“Make your success and your happiness a priority in your life.”


Listen to Learn

01:13 – The complaining trap

05:08 – How complaining keeps you stuck in your business

09:52 – Stop complaining and start doing

15:34 – I’m here for you


Check out Legacy Leadership Academy waitlist at www.legacyleadershipacademy.com. We open our doors for new members later this Spring.