
A Return to Love

By November 5, 2019

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I want to share with you what I believe to be the ‘secret’ to success, happiness, fulfillment, in your business and life.

In my last podcast episode, episode 120, I shared what I believe to be the biggest challenge that you will need to overcome to see success in your business – The Achievement Trap.

This episode serves as part 2 of that message. So, if you haven’t listened to episode 120 yet, I recommend that you listen to that message first.

Consider having love be the guiding force in your life, regardless of the circumstance.  Nothing stands to transform us, our relationships, and our world, more than a commitment to live our lives from love. – Marianne Williamson from her book, ‘A Return to Love’

So, what do I believe is the ‘secret’ to success, happiness, fulfillment, in your business and life?  In one word – LOVE.

In life, most of us have been so paralyzed by fear.  And this fear shows up inside of us through feelings of unworthiness, doubt, and negativity.  And these emotions and feelings are blinding us from our potential.

However, when we shift our feelings and emotions to ones of LOVE, we begin to see ourselves and our roles in this world differently. We begin seeing that each and every one of us has a unique and essential role to fulfill in this world.

When we stop obsessing over ‘making sales’ and ‘getting our next recruit,’ we can instead obsess over ways to show kindness, compassion and generosity to the people we came into contact with every day.

If this was the filter through how we lived our lives and operated our businesses, it would literally change everything.

If you learn nothing else from listening to this podcast, I want you to leave with this – you were created with the purpose of extending God’s love to the people in this world.  And your networking marketing business is simply a vehicle that can be used to live out this purpose.

The moment you make the decision that your business is a way for you to serve mankind and not just a way to make money, you will experience a joy and fulfillment that you’ve not felt before.


Episode Quotes

“Love is what you’re born with. Fear is what you learn.”

“The journey we must all take is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.”

“Love in your mind produces love in your life.”

“You were created with the purpose of extending God’s love into the world.”

“Network Marketing is a vehicle that helps us amplify the power of love all over the world.”

“Money and the results that you want are simply a reflection of LOVE.”

“When our goal is making money, our creativity becomes distorted.” – Marianne Williamson

“What you do or don’t do isn’t what determines your value – your growth perhaps, but not your value.”

“When we shift ourselves to LOVE we begin to see ourselves differently.”

“The key to a successful career is realizing that it’s not separate from the rest of your life, but is rather an extension of your most basic self.”


Listen to Learn

01:45 – Unlearning fear and accepting love

12:02 – Created for a purpose

15:18 – Network Marketing: The vehicle that amplifies love

23:25 – My story of writing the book

35:57 – The ‘grey sky’ analogy

39:01 – God doesn’t create junk

46:30 – Something bigger than money


Episode 120 – the achievement trap

Check out Legacy Leadership Academy at www.legacyleadershipacademy.com.