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This may very well be the most important episode I will ever record on this podcast.
What I am going to share with you today has been something that I’ve believed to be true for some time now with all my heart and soul.
You’ve heard me saying about the concept of legacy leadership and how it is an assignment, a calling, a vehicle to help you carry out your purpose in life.
But, today I’m going to state in a much different way.
My friend, I want to let you know that there is a much bigger reason why you are here.
Your network marketing business is an assignment from God.
There are two parts in this assignment.
The first part of your assignment is to grow as a person and to face your fears.
It’s critical to understand that you only grow through fear. The fear of the unknown and thoughts like, “What if I’m not good enough?” and “What if I’m don’t look good to others?” are the very thoughts that limit you in fulfilling your purpose. Remember that your greatest fears will lead you to your biggest breakthroughs in life and your business.
In the process of facing your fears, you begin to get insight into the unique gifts that you have inside of you. Gifts that you were uniquely designed to have and that are to be utilized in serving other people on this earth.
I’ll quote from Picasso, “The meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.”
It is time to shift your focus from yourself to that outward focus of serving others. Facing your fears, growing, and walking through them allow you to be a person of service and impact on the other side. It’s during this process that you and your gifts strengthen and grow.
So stop telling yourself that you’re not good enough, because trust me, you are! God doesn’t create junk!
Episode Quotes
“Our highest calling is to make a positive impact in the lives of other people.”
“Your network marketing business is an assignment from God.”
“If you follow your heart and you listen to what it is telling you, your heart will never lead you wrong.”
“Understand that your greatest fears will lead you to your biggest breakthroughs.”
“The meaning of life is to discover your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.” – Picasso
“You must adopt the belief that you are enough… God doesn’t create junk.”
Listen to Learn
00:04 Episode Intro
05:39 The bigger purpose for your network marketing business
07:22 Assignment from God, Bob’s personal story
11:34 Importance of following your heart
13:09 Growing as a Person by Facing Your Fears
19:22 Discovering the True Purpose for Your Life
22:57 You are enough! God doesn’t create junk
25:20 Network Marketing is a vehicle to fulfill your purpose in life
26:44 End notes, links and updates
Edited by Podcast Edition
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