Given everything that’s happening in the world right now, I wanted to take a minute to give you some guidance on what I think you should be doing right now in your business through the lens of a Legacy Leader.
These last few weeks have tested the network marketing industry in ways beyond our imaginations. It has challenged each and every one of us to see where we stand in our profession.
And we’re failing miserably at the moment.
How to Stand Out as a Leader
I want to give you some advice on how I would personally be conducting my business if I were you right now.
If I was leading and building a team right now, there is a way to conduct business that will really make you stand out and take advantage of this opportunity.
If I were you, I would focus first on serving people, instead of selling them. I would focus on acting through the lens of a Legacy Leader.
What does that even mean?
You see, Legacy Leaders are different, and that’s what makes them special.
The entire concept of Legacy Leadership is built upon this idea of:
Love, Serve, Grow.
It’s a radically different way to think about and approach your network marketing business.
It’s putting love at the center of your business and using that as the foundation as you look around you and begin to serve your people.
It’s putting others interests before your own.
It’s having a service – not a sales – mindset.
This simple shift in your mindset will literally change your business and your life.
Understand that the more you serve, the more you grow. You grow as a person and as a leader. And your team, income, and impact will grow along with you.
The reason why a lot of you are struggling is because you’ve been focusing on yourself first.
When you are only focused on yourself you will always struggle with fear.
In this case, it’s all about making that next sale, getting that next recruit – at all costs.
This way of thinking is causing you to constantly feel like you’re ‘missing out’ and not scooping up every single sale.
If your main focus is getting that sale and scrambling to close customers, you’re operating from a place of scarcity.
Even if you do see some success from this scarcity approach, you’ll never let yourself enjoy it because you’ll be afraid of slipping up and letting it get away.
“People don’t look down on network marketing – they look down on network marketers.”
Shift Your Mindset
The life-changing shift you have to make is to love and focus on others first.
Fear will never allow you to serve or to put others before yourself.
I believe there is an opportunity right now unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.
An opportunity for each of us to stand out as leaders, to be different, and to be saying and doing things that most others won’t.
To show the people in our lives that we have real value to offer them and show them what this profession is really about.
Now is not the time for us to SELL as a profession – it’s the time for us to SERVE.
Over the last few weeks I’ve seen people using what’s happening in the world right now as an excuse to push their products and business down peoples’ throats.
“You need my product to boost your immune system! You don’t want to get sick!”
“You need my program to keep in shape during quarantine because you’re probably going to put on some weight sitting around all day!”
“You need my product for self care during this tough time!”
“You need this business as a second source of income because you’re probably going to lose your job!”
Most of these posts come across in an ‘I told you so’ manner of speaking.
Thinking somehow that this is the right thing to do – that these messages dripping in proposed fear is what is going to make people want to buy and join them.
I have news for you – you’re digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole.
All that’s going to do is feed this negative perception that’s already out there with our profession.
People don’t look down on network marketing – they look down on network marketers!
What the world needs right now isn’t another sales pitch or marketing promotion. I can guarantee their newsfeeds and email inboxes are overflowing with that already – I know mine are!
They need something much more important; something that you are uniquely qualified to give to them by being a part of this profession.
They need a glimmer of hope and inspiration. They need you to be a light.
What people really need right now is love.
Love, Serve, Grow
Fear is nothing more than the absence of love. And love is the antidote to what’s happening in the world today.
You can give this gift to someone else and help them heal.
You can help transform their life by becoming the calming force and a guiding light in a sea of chaos.
Share and teach them what fear really is.
We’re all having trouble focusing during the chaos of news articles, statistics, and worrying about loved ones. Share strategies on how to stay productive and focused during these times.
The value that you potentially have to offer someone you know right now is 100x greater than any sale you could ever make or any new recruit you could prospect.
I am not doubting that your business could help people right now. I know these people need a plan B now more than ever.
But I’m asking you to consider that in this immediate short-term over the next few weeks there is an even bigger opportunity for you.
This is the time to show the people on your team and the people you know what you are really about and reveal yourself to the world as a leader.
Go ahead and give people that gift that this profession has given you: Personal development and the mindset that helps you overcome fear and deal with difficult situations.
Even if it’s just letting them know you CARE!
People are aching for human connection right now. They are yearning to be social. They also want distraction from all the craziness surrounding them.
It’s times like these that we learn who our real friends and supporters are.
Who do you think they’ll remember more – the person who pitched them on their business, or the person that cared enough about them to see how they were doing and treated them like a human being?
The ROI on this approach is so much greater for you right now.
Let’s get something straight here – I’m not telling you to not sign up customers or recruit people if they want to buy and join.
I’m just telling you don’t make that your focus and don’t lead with that!
If that’s where the conversation goes, fine. But don’t let that be your intention. People will sniff it out!
How to Take Action This Week
If you have struggled with what to say when reaching back out to old customers and prospects, this is your time to shine!!
While all the other network marketers are out there shoving their products and opportunities down everyone’s throats, you get to be different and stand out.
What should you do, what should you say?
Get your old notebooks and learn out loud. Share what you’re learning on how to approach these times with courage instead of fear.
Go live in your Facebook Groups and on your personal social media profiles. Post content and be an encourager.
You need to learn how to give without the expectation of getting. This is love.
Pick up the phone call of all your customers and just see how they’re doing. Just check in.
Call the people on your team to see how they’re dealing with all this chaos. Teach them what you’re learning with The Formula for Transformation.
All you need to say is….
‘I was just thinking about you…’
‘I wanted to see how you were dealing with all of this.’
It’s really simple actually.
Just be there for them.
Your willingness to do this right now will pay off for you big time.
THIS is what the Legacy Leader Movement is all about.
This is my challenge to you: spend your time over the next few weeks doing this and watch what happens in your business and life!