The #1 that’s holding you back right now from the results you want in your network marketing business is not your lack of social media skills.
It’s not your unsupportive spouse or your unmotivated team.
It is your own leadership development and personal growth.
Leadership development and personal growth go hand in hand. As you grow and develop as a person, you also become a more capable and competent leader in your business.
People struggle in network marketing because they’re not willing to fully embrace the (sometimes scary and painful) process of growth.
Personally, it took me a long time to understand this fact.
The Biggest Breakthrough Moment of My Network Marketing Career
I think back to my first few years in my network marketing career and I remember thinking that success was about me ‘finding that one right person that would turn my business around.’
You know what I’m talking about, right? That one person that would change everything for you and your business – a true A-Player.
Both my business and my life changed when I finally realized it wasn’t about me ‘finding an A-player.’ It was actually about me becoming that myself.
I was spending days on end looking for a true leader, when I wasn’t even leading myself!
In those early days I never looked at myself or considered myself as a leader.
Who was I to consider myself a leader when I didn’t even have a team? Certainly that was one of the main criteria to earn that title, right??
Here’s what I didn’t realize…
The first and most important person you need to learn how to lead is YOURSELF.
If you can’t lead yourself to start creating results, how are you going to lead other people?
I could put 1,000 people in your downline right now, but if you haven’t developed yourself as a leader to support and sustain that team, it won’t matter.
It will only be a matter of time before those people are gone.
I could hand you 50 personal recruits a month, but if you don’t have the leadership skills to teach, train, motivate, and support those people, it won’t mean anything.
The number of people on your team and the number of prospects you recruit is borderline irrelevant unless you have developed yourself as a strong leader.
“The first and most important person you need to learn how to lead is YOURSELF.”
How Do You Start ‘Leading Yourself?’
Over the last year, I’ve been developing a tool to assess your leadership capabilities.
This assessment breaks down 5 separate and distinct phases that all people go through on their way to building a successful network marketing business.
It’s a blueprint to growing yourself as a leader inside of this profession.
In the assessment, there are 5 phases of network marketing leadership. The very first phase focuses on learning how to lead yourself and what is holding you back from becoming a great leader.
This first phase is called the Self Leadership phase.
Are You in the Self Leadership Phase?
There’s an easy way to tell if you fall into this phase.
Ask yourself this question:
Have you had strong success recruiting and building a team?
If you answered ‘no’ to this question, you’re most likely a Phase 1 Leader.
Inside of the Leadership Assessment we created, we have a specific set of things that we teach people to focus on.
Here are the 2 biggest obstacles for Phase 1 Leaders:
Fear and Overwhelm
If you’re feeling stuck right now, not being able to create the results you want, I can almost guarantee these are two of your biggest obstacles right now.
Here’s the problem: when you are struggling with fear and overwhelm it prevents you from taking action in your business and in your life.
The trap that so many Phase 1 leaders fall into is what I call Passive Action.
They’re constantly ‘getting ready to get ready’ by watching training videos, listening to podcasts, reading books, spending time on social media, posting or coming up with ideas for posts…etc.
As a result they’re ‘busy’ but they never actually produce any meaningful results because they aren’t focused on the right things.
How many of you find yourself in that exact place?
You’re busy all the time doing ‘things,’ but at the end of the day your business isn’t growing?
This is the time to lead yourself.
Leading yourself through this Passive Action looks like this:
#1 Understand what fear really is: unmanaged thinking.
Fear is imagining a NEGATIVE outcome for an action you haven’t even taken yet!
You imagine a dozen different ways that a reachout is going to go wrong or how that Facebook Live is going to blow up in your face.
You can see yourself completely failing at everything you try to do, and it stops you from doing anything!
People tend to forget that they are in control of their thoughts.
You must learn how to become responsible for your own thoughts.
The only difference between successful people and people who fail in this profession is that successful people learn how to imagine things going well when they take action.
When you let fear and overwhelm stop you from taking action, you’re missing out big.
You’re missing out on the lessons you need to grow as a person and as a leader.
When you take action, you get 1 of 2 things –
1 -YES (the result you want), or
2 – NO (the lesson you need)
We only grow through our failures. The problem most of you have is that you haven’t failed enough yet to help you become the person you need to be!
The ‘yes’s’ build your business, but the ‘no’s’ build you.
The more you grow, the more your income and results will eventually follow.
‘Feeling Stuck’ is just your soul’s way of letting you know you’ve stopped growing!
If you’re not where you want to be in your business right now it’s because you haven’t gotten the lessons that you need to go to the next level of success.
You need to learn how to do a better job managing your thoughts in this phase.
#2 – To eliminate overwhelm you need a plan
Overwhelm isn’t having too many things to do; it’s actually not being clear on the next thing to do.
The problem is you’ve got too much training and advice. You don’t know where to start!
It is possible to do the right things at the wrong time in your business.
It happens all the time.
Most network marketers struggle because they don’t have a plan.
This is the reason why I created the 5 Phases of Network Marketing Leadership.
To help you understand exactly what you should be focusing on based on your specific phase of leadership growth.
So you stop wasting time on the wrong things and remaining stuck.
It’s time to finally start seeing real progress and creating results.
By now you may be wondering – What phase of leadership am I in right now?
We’ve created a free Leadership Assessment that you can take right now! It won’t take you more than 5 minutes, and I’ll tell you exactly where you are in your leadership journey.
I’ll also give you a specific plan of action on how to start growing yourself and finally become the kind of leader that people want to follow and that your team needs.