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financial freedom in your mlm business

What’s actually driving you in your business?

For most network marketers, it’s FREEDOM. 

The idea we’re all told when we start in this business is that if you just work long enough and hard enough, you can reach a level of accomplishment or financial freedom in your MLM business that can allow you to be free.  Once you reach that level, you will be good enough. You will be worthy!

This definition of freedom is what is keeping you from seeing the results you want in your business.

Success is created when you personally redefine what freedom means in your own life.

The Idea of Financial Freedom in Your MLM Business Is Holding You Back

When most of us first joined network marketing, we are sold this idea.  We’re given a plan and told that if you follow it and work hard, someday you can be happy!  You can be fulfilled! You’ll have time freedom. You’ll see financial freedom in your MLM business.  All of your problems will be solved!

Of course, what happens is that we go through the daily process of building the business- and we hate it every step of the way.  We resist the things that we need to do. It’s yet another presentation, having to prospect someone new, having to train someone new.  In the moment, we do it anyway, trading our happiness and joy so that we can one day reach that moment of freedom.

The minute that you admit you are not free; you are starting from a place of scarcity and I believe that a scarcity mindset is the biggest problem that we face in this profession today.

Beware the Scarcity Mindset

A scarcity mindset is this idea that we’re not enough. That nothing is ever enough.  There’s not enough money, not enough time and not enough opportunity. If you are being driven by scarcity in your business, that is a sure-fire formula for you to never get what you want.

Even worse, you may get what you want, only to realize that everything you thought was going to be on the other side of that accomplishment isn’t there. Your business that you thought was going to become a dream becomes a nightmare. You realize that there’s no amount of money or accomplishment in the world that will ever bring you joy or fulfillment.

People trade off years of their life shooting for this goal of freedom.  When they hit that big accomplishment and realize that any joy that they do feel is very fleeting and temporary, they still have those same feelings.

We don’t even let ourselves celebrate the accomplishment or feel joy because we’re being driven by scarcity. It’s that quest for never enough.

You don’t celebrate in the moment because once you don’t feel all the things you thought you would feel, you’re automatically on to the next thing.

I’m sure you have experienced this.  You’ve hit that rank and you barely even celebrated that accomplishment.   It was on to the next thing.

That’s not what freedom is.  Here’s my definition of freedom.

Freedom is doing what you want.

Success is created when you personally redefine what freedom means in your own life. Freedom doesn’t come from an accomplishment.  It’s not the money, it’s the feelings that come with that in your mind. The feeling of being worthy or good enough. The feelings of fulfillment and joy.

Here is the secret to success.

You don’t have to wait until you hit some rank to feel these things.  Freedom comes from inside of you. Freedom comes from looking at your network marketing business as a vehicle for something so much more important.

You have to realize that network marketing is there to help you live out the purpose of your life.  

You Have a Higher Calling in Life

Understand that there is a higher calling for your life, and that network marketing is here to help develop and grow you as a person.  Your business is an assignment from God to help you become the person that you were created to be.

When you can start looking at your business through this lens, something magical happens. 

Your business is no longer a means to an end.  What you do every day is the end.  It is the gift.  When you start looking at your business that way, all of the things that you have to do become things that you get to do.

Here’s what all the people that have achieved extraordinary levels of success in this business have in common.  They truly wake up every day and say, “I get to share my products. I get to share my business.”

They don’t feel like they’re bothering people. They truly believe they’re doing them a favor by talking to them.  When you can start looking at your business that way, things begin to change.  

All of a sudden what you’ve always been looking for shows up in the moment.

Joy.  Gratitude.  Fulfillment.

It is available to you at any single moment when you choose your business. That is the true definition of freedom.  When you learn to fall in love with the process, you will start to see the results that you want.

Redefine Freedom and Transform Your Life

You need to redefine freedom. You need to understand that you being free is not tied to some sort of accomplishment.  It’s not tied to a rank advancement or level of income.

Choose your business. Stop resisting it. Use it as a vehicle to do something bigger with your life and start looking at it as a way for you to give more to people. Then watch how much more you get, because the income you earn in your network marketing business will be a byproduct of the impact that you make in the lives of others.  The moment you realize this, you will already be in the process of changing your life.

You can choose freedom today. 


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