You’re running hard.
Your business is growing and team members are joining you. Each month, you dig in and make it a goal to hit that next ranking…that next zero on the commission check…or even that company incentive trip.
Or maybe, the opposite is true.
You don’t have a single person who has joined your team. You cannot even begin your first reach-out because of the fear that is screaming inside of you.
Looking around at other successful leaders in your company, you think to yourself, “She has the right network of friends…the right body…the right personality for social media. No one would ever want to join ME when there are people like HER out there.”
No matter if you are the person who’s SO gosh-darn driven that you cannot take the time to come up for air and take a glance around or if you are the person who cannot even get started because ALL you are doing is looking at what’s going on around you, your mindset is ruining your business!
You, my friend, are suffering from what I like to call “Success Mindset.”
And this Success Mindset is a DISEASE.
A success mindset is what most people are brought into when they come into this business.
This is how I was trained!
When I first joined, the business was all about what you can get – money, material possessions, personal freedom, quit your job, fire your boss. It’s all about you, you, you.
But here’s the thing, the Success Mindset is driven by your ego. And that ego of yours is a fear-driven creature. It loves to pretend it’s protecting you by telling you to compare yourself to everyone else.
“See what SHE’s doing?!!…you’re nothing like that.”
“You need just one more team member…one more zero at the end of that paycheck…THEN you’ll be happy and everyone will think you’re successful and killing it in life.”
if that is the only thing driving your business, you might experience success temporarily, but in the end, you will build a business that becomes a nightmare for you because it is not fulfilling.
Change your mindset from Success to Significance.
The great news is that there is a cure for this business-ruining Success Mindset disease!
It’s simple — begin creating a life and business of significance!
Success is about YOU, but a Significance Mindset is about you can do for OTHER PEOPLE!
A Significance Mindset is the key to long-term freedom and to really having long-term sustainable success.
If you can learn how to take the success that you earn in your business and touch the lives of others, success will never be good enough for you again.
Begin designing your life and business and around what you can GIVE, and not what you get.
If you begin doing this, I promise, you WILL achieve success. Because you see, success is a natural and guaranteed by-product when you begin living a life of significance.
How Do You Create a Significance Mindset?
How do we get from the success mindset and this position of fear and our ego running our business to a mindset of significance?
It is very simple. It’s called service.
Service is the quickest and easiest way to get out of the Success Mindset.
The moment that you start focusing on other people and what you can bring to them is the moment that your business and your life will change.
Living a life and designing a business of Significance results in freedom, wealth, influence, and loyalty through accomplishments that will endure even beyond the grave. And isn’t that really the legacy are you long to leave behind?