I’m going to be honest with you here….when it comes to network marketing, I hear a TON of incorrect information.
From debunking the pyramid scheme haters to stopping the copy-and-paste spammers (seriously, if this is still you, please click here), I try to do my best to guide you through the weeds and find the truth in network marketing.
So here it is; the BIGGEST lie network marketers are told every day:
‘It’s not your job to MOTIVATE the people on your team. It’s your job to go out and FIND motivated people.’
This is such a lie! It’s simply NOT true!
Building a successful network marketing business is built on one fundamental skill: leadership.
If you cannot be a GREAT leader for your team (and yourself), you might as well save yourself the time and look for a different career path.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret I learned on how to become a great leader:
Learn how to increase people’s efforts through the power of INFLUENCE.
Influence is the key ingredient here, and you cannot expect to lead your team without it.
What is influence?
Influence is you getting someone to do something they NEVER would have done if it weren’t for you being there.
If you’re struggling to build your team, it’s likely because you lack the necessary influence it takes to motivate people to take action.
If you have people on your team that are constantly making excuses, not getting work done, and constantly feeling stuck, I can tell you right now that they are lacking motivation.
And it is up to you to change that.
You MUST master influence in order to do this.
Great leaders influence people into taking action and help people create results that they never would have created on their own.
“Great leaders influence people into taking action and help people create results that they never would have created on their own.”
It’s helping people push past their fears and showing them HOW their fears and limiting beliefs are holding them back in their business and in life.
Every day I see people struggling to build their teams. They tell me, “Bob, I cannot find motivated people to join them.”
They spend hours and hours every day searching for people to work with and trying to seek out eager business builders to join their team.
They make excuses about not being able to find the ‘right’ people to join their business.
But they’re completely neglecting their current team and the opportunity to LEAD them into becoming the best that they can be.
They THINK they’re leading their team, but they don’t even understand what leadership is.
They get stuck TELLING and DIRECTING people on their team, but they don’t engage the disengaged.
They don’t have the influence, skills, or vision to motivate and inspire people to take action.
They buy into the lie…
‘It’s not our job to motivate people; it’s our job to FIND motivated people!’
I understand why we’re told this. It does serve us to a certain extent when we’re just starting out in our network marketing journey.
The problem most NEW leaders do have is falling into the trap of the minute they see success and have a team – they put almost all their efforts into helping their current team members.
They get away from their own personal recruiting activity.
The whole ‘don’t try to motivate people’ really is just saying – get back out there and recruit more people! Which IS important to keep doing!!
But eventually recruiting more and more people just isn’t enough. Eventually you reach a level of success where ‘recruiting more people’ isn’t the only answer.
You HAVE to learn what it really means to LEAD your team.
Ask yourself this question:
Do you, as a leader, MULTIPLY the output of your team? Do you lead them to an even greater level of productivity and results than they would create on their own?
Great leaders get the best out of the people they lead.
ANYONE can be a ‘leader’ when things are going well. That’s the easy part
But here’s the REAL TEST:
How do you respond when things AREN’T going well? When your company or your team loses momentum?
This is the true test of your leadership abilities and will ultimately be the main factor of your success in your network marketing career.
So, next time you try to fix your business by seeking out new recruits, take a look at your current business and all of your team members and ask yourself what YOU can do there first.