Have you ever felt overwhelmed in your business?
Or maybe you’re just plain burned out because you’ve been pushing and working so hard?
Or, has your business started to get in the way of your personal or family life?
You desperately want to build this life of freedom you’ve promised your prospects.
However, it seems instead of freedom, you have a task list that’s a mile long, team members constantly waiting for your attention, and your family has started sighing every single time they hear your phone beep, signifying your business pulling you away from THEM while you build this so-called ‘life of freedom?’
The very thing that started out as a blessing has now become a curse!
Here is a message that you don’t hear people in the network marketing industry share very often:
Your REST is the work that you need to do sometimes to be successful.
What exactly do I mean by that?
The #1 Key to Peak Performance
Here’s what I’ve learned about productivity and peak performance in my studies of success.
You must learn how to create very clear boundaries around your work life and your personal life.
So many leaders that I see in the network marketing profession feel like they need to be “on” 24/7 in order to be successful.
They think that, in order to be the leader they need to be to their teams, they need to be available all the time.
If this is you, you are actually doing a disservice to your team.
You are training them (duplicating, if you will!) to be 100% reliant on YOU!
When you never shut it down, you end up spinning your wheels.
You might be very busy, but you’re not productive. Busy and productive are NOT the same thing!
I want to give you permission to stop working so hard.
I want to give you permission to NOT feel guilty if you are not available to your team 24/7.
Being constantly available is not a formula for success.
What happens is that you will start to feel resentment toward your business, feel burned out, and even worse – you can ruin your health, marriage, and personal life.
That is not why we became entrepreneurs!
One of the Golden Rules of Legacy Leadership is “seek to create positive lifestyle outcomes in your business.”
The Legacy Leadership way of building a network marketing business is to be intentional about the way we build our business and the type of business we create.
You must seek to build a business around your life, not your life around your business.
Most leaders in our profession have their phone attached to their hip 24/7. They immediately jump on from the minute they wake up in the morning (while they’re still laying in bed!) to the moment they go to bed at night.
If you truly want these things:
- To be successful
- To reach your highest potential
- To achieve maximum productivity
- To build a business that truly gives you time freedom and that is not a curse, but instead is a blessing…
You must STOP doing this immediately.
Not only is this deadly to you, but it is a horrible example to teach to your team.
If the message you are sending to your team is that in order for you to be successful in a business like this, you need to be available all the time at the expense of your family and your personal life, here is what will happen:
You will chase people away, or they will burn out just like you.
I truly want you to understand the negative effects this has on your productivity and your team.
I remember in my own early days of network marketing there were leaders that everyone emulated and wanted to be. I noticed a very alarming trend in many of these leaders.
A lot of these leaders had terrible personal lives. Their health suffered, they had broken marriages and relationships with their children, yet a successful business.
I sat in the back of the room and thought, I don’t want this.
I spent many years thinking that you couldn’t be in a business like this without sacrificing your personal life.
I heard phrases like, “I don’t have time for a relationship,” or “I don’t have time for kids.”
I want to tell you now that it IS possible. Not only is it possible, but it also should be expected.
The goal is to create LIFE SUCCESS.
Ask yourself, what kind of a business are you building? Is it a blessing or a curse?
Yes, there may be times when you have to get out of balance. If you want to hit a big rank or promotion, that’s ok! It just can’t be the norm.
Here are a few ways you can be more intentional.
Be Less Random
Understand the importance of boundaries and the role that they will play to your demise or to your success.
Create clear boundaries of when you work your business.
Quit being random about the time you spend and the way you build your business.
Instead, you need working hours and a predetermined task list each and every day.
Don’t Crash Land into Monday
Don’t let the whole week pass you by with random action.
Go into the week and value the importance of lifestyle outcomes.
Schedule everything, and stick to it as much as you absolutely can!
You can tell your team your business hours!
Don’t jump up at every message that comes through.
Create a Business Around Your Life
This message is so powerful to your team.
Imagine telling a boss at work that you can’t start until 10 am because you need a couple hours in the morning. They would not accept that!
However, when you own your own business, you can create your own schedule, which is so exciting to your team!
You can do anything you want – it’s your business!
Shut It Down
Your home life will be so much better if you just stick to your schedule.
If you have a spouse that is resentful of your business, it could be that you just aren’t giving them the time anymore!
When you create your schedule and you tell them that you’re shut off – shut your phone off!
Nothing is so important that it can’t get answered the next day.
When that spouse sees that the business isn’t taking away, but adding to your life, they will turn around.
In short, you don’t need to work harder, you need to work intentionally.
If you aren’t unplugging from your business, you are not productive and not serving your team.
This blew my mind! That’s why I want to share this to you.
The REST is the work that many of you need to start doing.
If this resonated with you, I want you to start planning out your business hours and try sticking to them for one week!
You must work your business hours with no interruptions, and treat your personal hours the same way.
Then, come back here, and leave us a comment to let us know if that had a positive impact on your business.