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I’m an entrepreneur, a husband, father and regular guy devoted to helping you make the world a better place by putting love and giving at the center of growing your business.
I’ve always known I was meant to help other people. And I’ve always known I was meant to do big things. Even when there wasn’t a lot of evidence to support this belief.
Sure, I’ve got great hair (something of a running joke around our community).
But growing up, I was a C student.
I was deathly afraid of public speaking.
And for the first ten years of being an entrepreneur, I really wasn’t very successful at all. Even the five years of getting where I am today have taken a whole lot of hustle, faith, ‘what am I nuts?’ moments… and a whole lot of grit.
These days, I talk a lot about how our problems are gifts. How the struggles we go through make us the people we are today. That the challenges we face actually enrich us and make the stories we tell about our lives more genuine and inspirational to other people. There is no testimony without a test, as they say.
But not that long ago, after two failed businesses in seven months, I was at the lowest point of my career. Almost overnight, I went from being on top of the world to hitting rock bottom. I felt completely lost and devastated.
There was no backup plan. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do.
Still, I knew that I was meant for something great. That there was a reason I was put on this earth. I decided not to feel sorry for myself, become bitter, or wonder “why did this happen to me?!”
Instead, I completely reinvented myself and took massive action.
The idea of not being an entrepreneur – finding my unique way to impact the world and make a difference – was NOT an option.
Let’s get real here: I was desperate. My back was against the wall. I needed to make someting happen. Something had to change.
So I started showing up on social media, to teach and put value out into the world. I broadcast a live video a day, every day.
And I had to overcome my deep and very real fear of public speaking to do it.
I didn’t know what I was doing. I wasn’t trying to make money. I just had the idea that showing up to give what’s mine to give, with authenticity in my heart, could turn into something good.
The funny thing about putting your focus on being of service to other people is that it really does come back to you exponentially. We really are all connected. Whatever you give to other people will come back to you a thousand fold, in one way or another. So if you want to receive more of anything in your life – more success, more impact, and yep, even more money – give more. Love more. Be more.
To say that my life has changed since implementing this new philosophy that I now refer to as Know, LOVE, and Trust is an understatement. Just over a year later from having done that very first video, I was able to earn a million dollars and completely turn my life around.
This is the deal. Find your gift. Make it your business to share it. Give freely, fiercely, and generously to other people. And before you know it, you’ll have even more to give back to the world in an even bigger way. That’s what I’m all about. And it’s what Know, LOVE, and Trust is all about.
Now I’m committed to giving everything I’ve got to help you put love and giving at the heart of your business — and develop Know, Love, and Trust in your life. Because if there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that you’ve got a unique gift to give — and when you give it, the whole world wins.
In this special free 3-part training series, I’ll help you overcome the fear that’s been holding you back in your business and your life, so you can make this your breakthrough year.
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